
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Tale of Two Runs

Last week's run, February 28th, was near perfect. I ran from my house to my mother's house, Medford to Lincoln, almost following exactly Paul Revere's famous ride. The mileage turned out to be less than I hoped to complete, but my pace ended up being to training plan and I recovered nicely. Heck, I even managed to run by the house grandpa built, a real tear provoking moment for me, and get a few nice hills in towards the end of the run. Look out Newton Hills, here I come!!!

This week's run, March 7th, was the polar opposite. Right leg Achilles pain became hip pain. Hip pain became lower back pain. My pace stunk. Heck, I stunk! By mile 15 I was toast. Of course that is when someone else I know, who qualified for the marathon, drove by. Thank goodness they aren't judgmental, and only shouted encouragements. The aches pain finally went away last night.

So what lesson am I taking away from these two runs? Marathon running favors those who can remember that training is a long process, but who can also forget the short term setbacks. March 7th, you are dead to me.

Thank You Nick and Alicia, Jim, Nancy, Jan, Mary, Steve, Xio, Michelle, Andy, Anne-Marie, Carlo, Larry, Susan, Margaret (who I'm pretty sure also so me this past weekend), Vince, Brenda, Judy, Leslie (I'm ordering new shorts today!), Laurie, Kevin, the Bergs, Nicole, Stephanie and Joe (we still need to get together!), Carol and Max, Grandma, and Lee and Sharon for sponsoring me.

If your going to be in Boston on March 25th, please don't forget to RSVP to join me at the Harpoon Brewery from 5:30 to 7 pm for a Marathon Happy Hour. It is my way of thanking you all for your support.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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